Tuesday, 30 April 2013


to begin building our unity fps game we would have to import all out assets into unity, once the level has been imported it is going to be light mapped as the light in maya can not be imported into unity we would then need to create mesh colliders if thuis is not done when the character is imported into the scene he/she will fall through the level so this is important and need to be done.

Adding the first person controller

once the colliders are put in place we would then need to import the character which the ploayer is goin to controller, this is called a first person controller.

adding the weapons
importing the weapons would be the next step java scripting would be required to getting the weapon functioning and shooting projectile. this would be a very challenging process as none of us know how to write java script so we would try to find scrip that we can copy and apply to unity

i found an image of a script for machine guns it is not the appropriate coding for out games seeing as our character is using a simple handgun but ill uploaded it hoping it would prove useful later 

particle emitter
a gun would need a particle emitter (spark effects) when bullets collide with rigibodies this is not complicated to create

 sound effects
we would need to import sound effect into our game world and add it to the weapon projectile effect

Adding a GUI

adding the user interface would be the next step  we would only being adding a cross hair to this interface to make it simple


spawn point script and tutiorial

  1. public GameObject[] spawnPoints;
  3. void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {
  4. if (collision.collider.tag == "Respawn"){
  5. ArrayList respawnList = RespawnAtNearestPoint(transform.position);
  6. Vector3 respawnSpot = (Vector3) respawnList[0];
  7. transform.position = respawnSpot;
  8. Quaternion respawnRotation = (Quaternion) respawnList[1];
  9. transform.rotation = respawnRotation;
  10. rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
  11. rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
  12. }
  13. }
  15. ArrayList RespawnAtNearestPoint(Vector3 curPos){
  16. ArrayList respawnList = new ArrayList();
  17. Transform closestPoint = spawnPoints[0].transform;
  18. float shortestDistance = Vector3.Distance(curPos, closestPoint.position);
  19. foreach(GameObject point in spawnPoints){
  20. float curDist = Vector3.Distance(curPos, point.transform.position);
  21. if(shortestDistance > curDist){
  22. shortestDistance = curDist;
  23. closestPoint = point.transform;
  24. }
  25. }
  26. respawnList.Add(closestPoint.position);
  27. respawnList.Add(closestPoint.rotation);
  28. return respawnList;

proposal of the gameplay mechanics.

this is the basic game mechcanis as follows

Left Click – Select/Target
Right Click – Use/Attack
Scroll – Quick Weapon Select
Middle Mouse – N/A

W – Move Forward
A – Strafe Left
S – Move Back
D – Strafe Right
Q – Turn Left
E – Turn Right
F – Sheathe/Unsheathe weapon
I – Inventory
Esc – Pause Menu

F1-Quick use
f2-Quick use
F3-Quick use
F9 – Quick Save
F10 – Quick Load

Game Repeats Until You Die – There is no victory condition in the game, it just keeps going until the player dies. Or, especially with casual games, the game simply repeats after you beat it. (Example: Nibbles, Minefield, Solitare)
Game Keeps Gets Harder Until You Die – Like “Game Repeats Until You Die” except the difficulty level also keeps increasing. (Example: Tetris)
Timed – The player must achieve a task within a time limited. Some power ups or achievements can extend the time.
Bullet Hell – The player is surrounded by a very large number of enemies or deadly objects. They are easy to handle individually but difficult in large numbers. (Example: “Bullet hell” games, many zombie games)
i hope to impliment these mechcanic into the alpha version of our game


In a small Western town called “ Rocksville” there lays an intriguing story. This bright town used to be filled with good ole town’s folk but now a dark evil has suddenly emerged from deep beneath. Hideous and grotesque monsters have risen up from the town’s sewers and they are now creating havoc. These goblin creatures have been slowly tearing apart this beautiful town and killing dozens of innocent people with the slash of their deadly claws. Everyone is terribly scared for their lives, their only option is to run and hide praying for a brighter day. The once beautiful and ecstatic Rockville is now a ghost town. There is not even one person to be seen in sight. All that is left are broken down empty houses, shops and buildings. These goblins have now taken over the beloved town. However there lies one man who’s tired of running, he wants to put an end to this chaos and save his beloved town. He goes by the name of “Maverick.” Will Maverick have the heart to pull this off and restore peace?

>Detailed Overview

above snakes follows the story of Flynn cooper a retired sheriff returning to hes old town of rocksville to find it in ruins cause by devious devilish creatures, the game is a action survival horror for both PC and consoles

the game that above snakes relates to mainly is call of duty :zombies, left 4 dead
because of its survival based game-play although the player will not have the same amount of freedom and weapon availability  and perks, and but i want the player feel the same fear factor just like call of duty, the game will incorporate and weapon crafting (upgrading) system such blacksmith

the game also relates to dead island in terms weapon upgrades and crafting and related to battlefield in terms of combat, i want the combat to be every fast paced and engaging for the player, i would like to using the fps system for my game

When character building, I would like to use systems similar to those found in Bio-ware games. You’ll actually have to talk to characters and allies to know them better – and to eventually know your own character better. This brings me to companions. You will travel with a companion, who is your guardian – I will talk about this more in the story section.

In terms of customization, I would like to make the characters as customization but very limited  like games such as dragons dogma , this game lacked in customization but it didn't affect the game-play in a negative way in fact the caused the players to work with what they've got a basic principle of surviving