Tuesday 30 April 2013

proposal of the gameplay mechanics.

this is the basic game mechcanis as follows

Left Click – Select/Target
Right Click – Use/Attack
Scroll – Quick Weapon Select
Middle Mouse – N/A

W – Move Forward
A – Strafe Left
S – Move Back
D – Strafe Right
Q – Turn Left
E – Turn Right
F – Sheathe/Unsheathe weapon
I – Inventory
Esc – Pause Menu

F1-Quick use
f2-Quick use
F3-Quick use
F9 – Quick Save
F10 – Quick Load

Game Repeats Until You Die – There is no victory condition in the game, it just keeps going until the player dies. Or, especially with casual games, the game simply repeats after you beat it. (Example: Nibbles, Minefield, Solitare)
Game Keeps Gets Harder Until You Die – Like “Game Repeats Until You Die” except the difficulty level also keeps increasing. (Example: Tetris)
Timed – The player must achieve a task within a time limited. Some power ups or achievements can extend the time.
Bullet Hell – The player is surrounded by a very large number of enemies or deadly objects. They are easy to handle individually but difficult in large numbers. (Example: “Bullet hell” games, many zombie games)
i hope to impliment these mechcanic into the alpha version of our game

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