Tuesday 19 March 2013


In a small Western town called “Rockville” there lays an intriguing story. This bright town used to be filled with good ole town’s folk but now a dark evil has suddenly emerged from deep beneath. Hideous and grotesque monsters have risen up from the town’s sewers and they are now creating havoc. These goblin creatures have been slowly tearing apart this beautiful town and killing dozens of innocent people with the slash of their deadly claws. Everyone is terribly scared for their lives, their only option is to run and hide praying for a brighter day. The once beautiful and ecstatic Rockville is now a ghost town. There is not even one person to be seen in sight. All that is left are broken down empty houses, shops and buildings. These goblins have now taken over the beloved town. However there lies one man who’s tired of running, he wants to put an end to this chaos and save his beloved town. He goes by the name of “Maverick.” Will Maverick have the heart to pull this off and restore peace?

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